In "Medical Marijuana", by Peter Grinspoon, MD, the author goes on to state the benefits of how marijuana affects humans. People already state that marijuana is a "wonder drug." Marijuana is already medically legal …show more content…
When people use medical marijuana they are prescribed a CBD dominant strain which contains "little or no THC." This strain causes no alteration in consciousness and helps people with chronic pain. Patients who have been prescribed CBD have reported "many benefits." These benefits have insomnia, anxiety, spasticity, and pain. Some of the most common uses for it are pain control. It is also known as a fantastic muscle relaxer and to lessen tremors from Parkinson's. It is a more natural way to treat certain medical conditions than drugs like Advil or Alive. If people can not take these drugs due to kidney problems then marijuana is their solution. Store bought drugs also have side effects with them while CBD strains do not have any. Another big area for marijuana is people with PTSD. Since it can calm down the brain it can stop people from having severe episodes. It has had "drastic Improvement" in soldiers who are returning home. There is a large argument that it can affect your lungs if you smoke it, but there …show more content…
Since 1979 marijuana use has dropped "54 percent" today. Currently, marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug in America. Marijuana counts for "57 percent" for drug abuse in individuals. As stated previously you can't get addicted to marijuana but you can become dependent. A 2008 survey recorded that "4.2 million people" were suffering from dependency. Secondly, if marijuana were to be legalized the amount of use from the youth would increase. Adding restrictions will not stop teenagers from accessing marijuana. It will only make it easier for them to get it due it be so easily accessible. Another large argument is drug-impaired driving. In a recent survey "8.6 percent of people tested positive for marijuana." That is nearly four times more than drivers with a BAC level of .08. In order for marijuana to be legal, there would need to be some serious ways of preventing abuse of it. Legalizing marijuana would not reduce the use of it. It would only increase the use and if we want to make America healthy than we need to reduce the use of