Marijuana or Cannabis sativa is a natural grown plant in which the leaves, stems
and flowers contain delta-9-tetrahydro-cannibinal (THC). When smoked, THC gives the
user a type of euphoria or “high” feeling. However, many medical professionals and
patients claim that this drug also gives users medical benefits for various ailments;
and they are fighting to have this drug legalized for this reason. According to the National
Academy of Sciences (1999), “the high associated with marijuana is not generally
claimed to be integral to its therapeutic value. But mood enhancement, anxiety reduction
and mild sedation can be desirable qualities in medications, especially for patients
suffering pain and anxiety” (p. 83). The United States federal government disagrees
completely with this claim and provides research statistics to show how marijuana causes
serious medical conditions when smoked. Therefore, the government continues to
classify marijuana as an illegal drug and will arrest any person in possession of it.
Although marijuana may have negative health effects, it also has positive effects on
people with certain ailments; therefore, it should be legalized for medicinal purposes.
Marijuana has been used as a medicinal remedy all over the world for thousands
of years. In fact, the Chinese have the earliest written reference of marijuana’s medicinal
properties. These reference journals are dated in the early fifteenth century, B.C., and
document marijuana for its effectiveness on pain, sleep aid, appetite stimulation and anti-
convulsant. According to Lester Grinspoon (2007), “it’s a sad commentary on the state of
modern medicine that we still need proof of something that medicine has known for
5,000 years”. (p.1)
Since 1937, the Marijuana Tax Act has deemed it illegal to possess or consume
marijuana in the United States, even for medicinal
References: American Medical Association (2001, June). Policy Number H-95.952, Medical: Marijuana, pp Cannabis Pain Trial Success (2003, October 6). GP, Haymarket Business Publications, LTD, p 29, 2007. Grinspoon, L., (2007, March 1). Marijuana, the Wonder Drug, The Boston Globe. Retrieved from on September 1, 2007. Grinspoon, L., M.D., (1997, October 1). Testimony of Lester Grinspoon, U.S. House of Representatives: Crime Subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee, Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base (1999). The National Academy of Sciences (NAS), pp 1-259 National Institute on Drug Abuse (2007, June) Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. pp. 1-8. Retrieved on August 6, 2007 from National Institute on Drug Abuse (1991, August). NIDA InfoFacts: Information for the Physician on the Use of Marijuana Cigarettes, National Institute on Health, U.S Department of Health and Human Services. pp. 1-10. Retrieved on August 6, 2007 from Providence Journal (2007, May 3). Editorials: For Medical Marijuana, pp.1. Retrieved on August 13, 2007 from Rubin, S. (1992, March 13). They Smoke Pot, But Not to Get High, San Francisco Chronicle. Schieszer, J. (2006, March). Bladder Cancer Tied to Marijuana Use, Renal & Urology News Young, F. L. (1988). Decision of Judge Francis L. Young, Marijuana, Medicine & The Law