ER – The Physics of Medicine
Extended Response Task
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This report will discuss how cerebrovascular disease, in particular ischemic stroke, can be diagnosed using magnetic resonance imaging scans. It will go through the different MRI sequences and the physics behind them. Evidence from two case studies are presented, which use the MRI sequences discussed within this report. Consequently, the recent advances in diagnostic techniques and methodologies will be analysed and evaluated.
TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Cerebrovascular disease PAGEREF _Toc398539440 \h 3Magnetic resonance imaging PAGEREF _Toc398539441 \h 3Diffusion-Weighted Imaging PAGEREF _Toc398539442 \h 5Perfusion-weighted imaging PAGEREF _Toc398539443 \h 5Magnetic resonance angiography PAGEREF _Toc398539444 \h 6Gradient recalled echo PAGEREF _Toc398539445 \h 6Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery PAGEREF _Toc398539446 \h 6Appendix PAGEREF _Toc398539447 \h 8Appendix 1: PAGEREF _Toc398539448 \h 8Appendix 2: PAGEREF _Toc398539449 \h 8Appendix 3: PAGEREF _Toc398539450 \h 9Appendix 4: PAGEREF _Toc398539451 \h 9Appendix 5: PAGEREF _Toc398539452 \h 10Appendix 6: PAGEREF _Toc398539453 \h 11Appendix 7: PAGEREF _Toc398539454 \h 12Appendix 8: PAGEREF _Toc398539455 \h 13Appendix 9: PAGEREF _Toc398539456 \h 14Appendix 10: PAGEREF _Toc398539457 \h 14Appendix 11: PAGEREF _Toc398539460 \h 15Appendix 12: PAGEREF _Toc398539461 \h 15Appendix 13: PAGEREF _Toc398539462 \h 15Appendix 14: PAGEREF _Toc398539463 \h 16Appendix 15: PAGEREF _Toc398539464 \h 17Appendix 16: PAGEREF _Toc398539467 \h 18Appendix 17: PAGEREF _Toc398539468 \h 18Appendix 18: PAGEREF _Toc398539470 \h 18Appendix 19: PAGEREF _Toc398539471 \h 19Appendix 20: PAGEREF _Toc398539472 \h 19Appendix 21: PAGEREF _Toc398539473 \h 20Case Studies PAGEREF _Toc398539474 \h 21Case Study 1 PAGEREF _Toc398539475 \h 21Case Report PAGEREF _Toc398539477 \h 21Discussion PAGEREF _Toc398539478 \h 22Case Study 2 PAGEREF _Toc398539479