Angel Hernandez
Keiser University
Ms. Gutierrez
CVA Cerebrovascular accident is well known as a stroke and affects around 800,000 people every year (Mclntosh, 2016). There are three types of strokes: ischemic, hemorrhagic and transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) (Mclntosh, 2016). Ischemic stroke is the most prevailing type of strokes with an 85 percent average rate (Mclntosh, 2016). It is cause by the reduction of blood flow, because of a narrowed or blocked artery in the brain (Mclntosh, 2016). Also, it is a rapid loss of blood supply which kill the cells of the brain and limits oxygen to go to that side of the brain (Mclntosh, 2016). For example, in the arteries that travels gets blocked because of a blood clots called thrombus (Mclntosh, 2016). Hemorrhagic stroke is the …show more content…
rupture of a blood vessel leaking blood and causing a hemorrhage, so the blood spreads all over the brain putting pressure on the brain cells and killing them (Mclntosh, 2016). Transient ischemic attack (TIAs) is known as mini-strokes. TIA is also a blood clot blocking the artery traveling to the brain but is temporal. It can last from few minutes to a day (Mclntosh, 2016). According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) a third of people who experience TIA are prone to have major strokes in the future (Iona, Varnier, Bianchi, Deotto & Al, 2003)..
Cerebrovascular accidents occur all of the sudden, therefore, it is important to be diagnosed as soon as possible because the quicker the treatment is performed, the less damage the brain will suffer (Mclntosh, 2016). Some of the signs are face dropping, speech difficulty and arm weakness (Mclntosh, 2016). The symptoms are confusion which affect understanding and speaking; headache, numbness to one side of the body including face, arm and leg; vision problems in one or both eyes; difficulties walking, lack of coordination and dizziness (Mclntosh, 2016). After a CVA most of the patients end up with cognitive deficiencies or neglect; hemiagnosia; hemiplegia which causes paralysis in one side of the body; hemiparesis which causes weakness on one side of the body; shoulder subluxations; winging of the scapula; hypotonic muscle tone; sensory lost; memory, attention and poor motor control (Mclntosh, 2016). Also individuals post CVA present depression, and loss of control of the bladder and blow (Mclntosh, 2016).
It is important to diagnose the type of stroke as soon as possible not only to reduce the damage to the brain but because performing treatment that is effective for one kind of stroke can be harmful for the other type of stroke (Iona, Varnier, Bianchi, Deotto & Al, 2003). Hemorrhage and ischemic strokes are cause by different reasons, so there are different treatments for both of them (Iona et al. , 2003). In the case of hemorrhage stroke, the treatments emphasizes in control the bleeding and reduce the pressure that the blood is causing in the brain. In the other hand ischemic stroke treatment centers in restoring an appropriate blood flow to the brain (Iona et al. , 2003). After a cerebrovascular accident patient must receive help from speech therapy, physical therapy an occupational therapy (Iona et al. , 2003). Also, the support from the family and friends is favorable for strokes survivors (Iona et al. , 2003).
Occupational therapy can help these patients with CVAs to do their occupations such as activities of daily living (ADLs), instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), work, education, leisure, and social participations as independent as possible (Miller, 2000). Occupational therapists can perform weight bearing exercises, teach compensatory techniques, passive range of motion (PROM) active assistive range of motion (AAROM), in order to increase muscle tone in the lower and upper extremities of the affected side (Miller, 2000). For example, weight bearing exercises encourage the use, and increase awareness of the affected side (Miller, 2000). The introduction of assistive devises such as walkers, commodes, dressing stick, sock eater, and buttonhook are helpful for these people with strokes at the time of taking a shower, dressing, and many other ADLs (Miller, 2000). Occupational therapy will help these individuals bed mobility, transfers (Miller, 2000). Also, teaching normal postures to avoid deformities (Miller, 2000). Problem solving exercises are important to make the patient independent (Miller, 2000). These activities and exercise must be meaningful to the patient and in a quiet environment to keep the individual concentrate in the tasks in order to achieve a better results (Miller, 2000).
People after a stroke tend to have poor safety awareness since they have hemiplegia, hemiparesis, and hemiagnosia they are prone to suffer serious falls (Miller, 2000).
It is important to avoid falls to prevent further injuries like traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), hip fractures or shoulder dislocations (Miller, 2000). Moreover, home modifications can be made to avoid falls: remove carpets from the floor, clear path to the bathroom, kitchen and bedroom, and add rails to the shower tub (Miller, 2000). These people with strokes must follow the therapist recommendations at all time to ensure safety (Miller, 2000). The patient prognosis it is more positive in an ischemic stroke than in the hemorrhage stroke since ischemic stroke kills the cells of the brain, the hemorrhage strokes has more risk and complications by increasing intracranial pressure and spams in the brain (Purushothaman, Salmani, Prarthana, Bandelkar, & Varghese, 2014). Many people who suffer from CVAs recover their level of independence. Many other stay with minor disabilities and unfortunately about a 40 percent end up with severe disabilities (Purushothaman, Salmani, Prarthana, Bandelkar, & Varghese,
Iona, L., Varnier, A., Bianchi, L., Deotto, E., & al, e. (2003). Rehabilitation outcome after ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. Europa Medicophysica, 39(3), 123-128. Retrieved from Mclntosh, J. (2016, January 19). “Stroke: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.” Medical News Today. Retrieved from Miller, E. W. (2000). Body weight support ambulation training in patients post cerebrovascular accident (Order No. 9993644). Available from ProQuest Central. (304627326). Retrieved from
Purushothaman, S., Salmani, D., Prarthana, K., Bandelkar, S. M., & Varghese, S. (2014). Study of ECG changes and its relation to mortality in cases of cerebrovascular accidents. Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine, 5(2), 434-436. doi: