The cerebral diseases and disabilities include aneurysm, intracranial hematomas, Arterio- Venous Malformation (AVM), Arterio- Venous Fistula (AVF), embolism and arterial thrombosis, and vascular stenosis, among which aneurysm has particular importance due to its prevalence and the fact that the most common sing of it is the Sub- Arachnoid Hemorrhage …show more content…
The wall of this lesion lacks the complete and natural elements comprising the normal cerebrovascular walls, therefore has more tendency to rupture. The mentioned lesion could exist in different shapes but its saccular form is the most common shape. The spontaneous rupture of the cerebral aneurysm and induction of the sub- arachnoid hemorrhage, emerges with more delay in comparison with the other cerebrovascular incidents and is one of the most common cause of the strokes in the 5th -6th decades of life. The surgical treatment of aneurysm is one of the important factors in prevention from the emergence the complications and death among these patients …show more content…
Also, the impacts of the underlying diseases of the patient and the emergency treatments on the increase or decrease of the death risk among the patients undergone the cerebral aneurysm surgery would be investigated. methods: This study was done in a retrospective manner. In this content, the patients who were hospitalized with the definitive diagnosis of cerebral aneurysm at the neurology department of Ghaem hospital were studied. For the beginning, first the hospital records of the patients whose early diagnosis was Sub- Arachnoid Hemorrhage or intracranial hemorrhage or aneurysm were prepared and the files of the patients with definitive diagnosis of aneurysm were separated.
Then the data on the time of hemorrhage, clinical signs and symptoms, the time of hospitalization, early CT scan findings, time of angiography and its results, the time of surgery treatment and induced complications during the period of hospitalization were recorded in the special forms for data