Medication Administration Process
Medication administration is a process that requires competency skills on all levels. The administration of medication involves prescribing, dispensing and administration of medicines doctors and nurses. There are many different healthcare professionals involved in this process. However, the nurse holds the highest responsibility in this process. The main reason this is true lies in the direct role nurses play in the medication administration process. Nurses are responsible for carrying out doctor’s orders on a routine basis. Nurses play a vital role in the delivery of medication to patients under their care (Wolf, 2007). The nurse’s role is one that leads to either failure or success in this process. There is a possibility of medication errors at different phases of the administration process. Nurses and other professionals in this
References: Brooke, P. (2007). Program update: Promoting patient safety and preventing medical errors. Journal of Nursing Law, 11(3), 124-128. Madegowda, B., Hill, P., & Anderson, M. (2007). Medication errors in a Rural Hospital. Medsurg Nursing, 16(3), 175-180* McIntyre, L., & Courey, T. (2007). Safe medication administration. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 22(1), 40-42. Schoenecker, C. (2007). Nursing discipline of the five rights of medication administration. Wolz, Z. (2007). Pursuing safe medication use and the promise of technology. Medsurg Nursing, 16(2), 92-100. Sloan, A. (2009). The six r’s of medication administration. Virginia Nurses Today, 17(2), 9-10.