Hana B. Jourdan
February 25, 2012
Lynette Kooker
Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer and is increasing faster than any other type cancer with the exception of lung cancer in women. Worldwide it counts for only 4% of skin cancer cases yet is responsible for 78% of cancer causing deaths. If caught early enough it can be very treatable, but early detection is key. In the United States alone the number of people with melanoma has doubled in the last 30 years.
Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer. It occurs in the melanocytes, the skin cells where melanin or color is produced. Melanin causes the skin to tan as well as protects the deeper layers of the skin from damaging ultra violet …show more content…
UV exposure causes one of the biggest risks for causing melanoma. Indoor tanning exposure will increase the chances of developing melanoma by about 74% regardless of the type of tanning bed used. The closer a person lives to the equator as well as how many severe sunburns a person has had will also increase his or her risk. Other risk factors include the number of moles a person has someone who has 50 or more is considered higher risk. Also the complexion of the skin has an effect. The lighter the complexion the higher the chances are because the skin has to produce more melanin to try to protect it. These people will most often have blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes. A person who has a first degree relative will have a 50 percent higher chance of contracting melanoma. Also weakened immune systems can cause increased risk in developing this disease.
This type of cancer is often detected when a regular mole changes shape. Other changes in a pre-existing mole that could indicate it is becoming cancerous include itching, bleeding, a change in the color of the mole. It can also come from a new growth on the skin that has abnormal characteristics. The American Academy of Dermatology has developed an A-B-C-D-E guide to help evaluate characteristics of moles or growths on the skin. Moles or other skin growths that fit into these criteria could indicate the presence of melanoma, and the person should be evaluated by a doctor to know for