At 4.9 billion dollars the tanning industry cannot afford to lose customers with claims of cancer risks not proven to be 100 % true. Vitamin D issues are also mixed in the controversy. “Scientists have proven, however, that exposure to all forms of…
Banerjee, S. C., Hay, J. L., & Greene, K. (2013). Cognitive Rationalizations for Tanning-Bed Use: A…
However, there are ways to prevent and lower the risk of developing this disease. Steps such as avoiding tanning beds because of the harmful ultraviolet rays is a big factor to reducing the likelihood of developing the melanoma. Understanding the effects that the booths may have, like premature aging, discoloration of the skin, wrinkling, and harming the eyes and epidermis.…
Skin cancer, otherwise known as skin melanoma, has become a serious epidemic in the United States over the last several years. Approximately one in 60 people will develop some form of skin cancer in their life time. With tanning beds and extended outdoor tanning becoming more common, as well as “being tan” become the new beauty tip. However, genetics still plays a very important role in skin cancer. It has been said that people with minimal eumelanin genes, the gene that determines hair and eye color, are more susceptible to skin cancer to do their light hair, eyes and fair skin. Most skin cancer cases are caused by ultraviolet rays, however, approximately five percent of cases are…
Melanoma is located anywhere on your skin, but is usually located on skin that has been exposed to sun or UV radiation. The most common is arms, legs, back, and face. The soles of the feet, palm of hands, and finger nail beds may develop it on rare occasions, but is more typical in people with a darker skin tone. There are several types as mentioned in my introduction. Melanoma only has two levels of severity. It can be either easily treated or it has reached stage IV. Easily treated means it is condensed into one area and has not yet spread. Stage IV is once the melanoma has spread and reached the point of…
One is you acquire older looking skin over a long time period of using a tanning bed. From person experience, I know someone who is the same age as me who lays both in the bed and sun and her skin looks like leather and looks like she is in her thirty’s when in-fact she is just 20. The second negative point is it can also cause death, when cancer occurs it can be fatal. The third negative point is that you are more likely to for melanoma cancer. Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer, killing approximately 8,650 Americans in 2009, because people do not properly protect themselves from the UVA & UVB…
Five percent of the business at San Diego's Hollywood Tans was from teenagers. The number of teenagers going to tanning salons is on the rise. The annual revenue brought in by teenagers using the salons has reached five billion dollars (California 1). Although it helps the tanning salon industry, it is a huge health threat to the teenagers. They can get sunburned which the inflammation of the skin is caused by overexposure to ultraviolet radiation. It is also believed that sunburns can essentially be the cause of skin cancer, particularly the deadly form known as melanoma. There is already a risk of getting the cancer from the sunlight let alone from the tanning beds. Tanning in beds should be banned for teenagers.…
Within the last few years, scientists and doctors have found the true danger to UV rays. While having a tanned body maybe attractive for some, the problem is that there are also many tanning bed dangers. Some of the dangers associated with tanning are public knowledge while others are not. While tanning beds can help improve an individual's self imagine they are also very dangerous. If an individual is not aware of their skin type and the intensity of the UV rays, they can become seriously burnt, which increases the risk of developing skin cancer. Long term exposure can lead to other skin damages such as wrinkles, age spots, change in texture and thickness. This is caused by your skin drying out and weakening the connective tissues. Another reason to use caution, it has been found that a person laying in a tanning bed is likely to expose their eyes to radiation levels that are one hundred times the normal level received from the sun. Despite the warnings, professional indoor tanning facilities require there consumers to read and sign consent forms that include warnings and information on the potential eye damage and skin cancer. Warning labels have been placed on every tanning device and almost every general area in a facility. Professional tanning facilities require parental consent for teenagers who tan. Even though consumersknow all the warnings they will continue to…
Do you think indoor tanning can cause skin cancer? Do you think it can harm you? If you do not you will after you read this! Indoor tanning can cause a very deadly skin cancer and many other skin cancers. Statistics show that artificial tanning will lead to skin cancer faster than normal. If you do not get cancer, it can still harm your skin, or even worse, your eyes!…
The use of tanning beds has become increasingly popular in minors and young adults. Teenagers see celebrities on TV and in magazines with glowing tans, and think they need to have this perfectly bronzed look year round. Some question how they are able to keep their sun kissed skin during the winter. This often leads young adults to visit tanning salons so they can achieve the desired “healthy glow”. After a few sessions in a tanning bed the skin pigment starts to darken toward the desired look, but the risk of skin cancer increase dramatically. In some states, teenagers are willing it break the law in their quest for sun-kissed skin, especially in the middle of a Minnesota winter. It’s important that minors should be not able to go into one of these beds because it dramatically increases their chances to develop skin cancer and has many negative effects later on.…
Hochman tells the story of a pediatrician named Jessica Lilley, who had developed malignant melanoma after years of using tanning beds. She did not realize the impact of using tanning beds until later on in her life when she was diagnosed with skin cancer. It is noted that "five to 10 minutes (depending on the equipment) in a tanning bed is roughly equivalent to a half-hour in the sun on a mid-July afternoon"(Hochman). This is a great comparison because it shows how much stronger tanning beds can be. Tanning beds are a huge risk, especially to those who are of a young age. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, "Nearly 70 percent of tanning salon patrons are Caucasian girls and women primarily between the ages of 16 and 29, and of the 28 million people who tan indoors every year, 2.3 million are teenagers." Similar to Jessica Lilley's experience, I also have a history of skin cancer. It is extremely important for me to prevent sunburn at all costs. Personally, getting sunburn on my back mutated the cells in a few of my moles, resulting in me needing to get them removed. I regularly visit the dermatologist to keep track of my moles. If a mole changes in shape, color, or size, it is highly recommended that the mole is biopsied and tested for cancer. It is very easy to develop skin cancer if the skin is not protected under harsh UV rays; thus, it is super important for people to regularly check their skin and protect it from the sun. Overall, many underage teenagers are unaware of the harsh effects of tanning beds, which is why it is so important that teens are educated early on in their…
This article is mainly about, the main features of amelanotic melanoma; Amelanotic melanoma is a form of skin cancer that lacks dark colors such as brown and black that are mostly seen in other forms of skin cancer. About 2.8 percent of melanomas are amelanotic, the risk of dying is higher since this form of skin cancer is hard to fight when found. This cancer is mostly found in advanced stages because it is so hard to detect from its looks as if it's normal skin with a pinkish pigment to it. Skin cancer is mainly found in white patients and has pink growth as it develops. Most people don't usually detect that they have amelanotic because the “ABCDE” guidelines do not have the criteria for amelanotic skin cancer, the diagnosis for detection…
Do you like bathing in the sun? Going out and getting a nice tan? Of course mostly everyone likes going out into the warm sun, but going out without sunscreen is a bit risky. Tanning is one of the main causes of our countries skin cancer epidemic. People should learn the many risks and dangers of being over exposed by ultra violet rays.…
Indoor tanning not a safe to do. There are many reason to why the percentage of people tanning indoors have decreased. One main reason is because of skin cancer. There are more than one million different cases of skin cancer diagnosed in the United States each year. Schaumburg (2010) stated, “ In 2009, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, re-categorized indoor tanning devices in the highest risk category with tobacco smoke.” Of the thirty million people who tan indoors, over two million of these people are teens (Schaumburg, 2010). Indoor tanning can cause two types of skin cancer, melanoma and non-melanoma. If it is caught early, melanoma can be treated, but it can spread to other parts…
Indoor tanning or frequent indoor tanning are widespread among high school students in the United States and it is a part of a bunch of potentially risky behaviours. [7]. Indoor tanning involves exposure to radiation that corresponds to an ultraviolet index of 13, which is significantly higher than the UV index of 8.5 which represents noon summer sun. Indoor tanning have significantly found to be associated with having part-time work, smoking, being physically active, and socially pressured that drive individuals to participate in risky and unhealthy behavior. some of them face offensive comments about the appearance of their body’s color, shape or size, beside they may be having poor self-image and self-steam, also associated with those who are using creatine and other supplements. And their goals are prevailing sociocultural value and perceived attractiveness of tanned skin. health care providers must educate females about these products and the importance of avoiding indoor tanning [1][5][8]…