prostitution for example women who are born into brothels like a little girl name Puja. She lived in the “red light district “where she was pulled in the sex trade and sadly to say she was in her teens. Throughout the brothels there are a lot of women who sacrifice their lives and morals to achieve their big dream.
In contrast, The Cinderella Story is similar to The Memoirs of a Geisha. Along with Cinderella Chiyo had chores and tasks to do with many people telling her what to do. Her evil “sister”, Hatsumomo, made her mark all over a very valuable item knowing it was going to get her in trouble. She was greatly hated by Hatsumomo who tried to make her life miserable like Cinderella’s evil step sister. Hatsumomo was a pretty girl and Chiyo thought that her beauty was everything to her. But beauty turned Hatsumomo into a disrespectful, jealous, cruel Geisha. She told her that if she vowed herself over she would let her see her sister. Her life was like a “game” she followed everything everyone told her to do. As Chiyo thought her life would not get any better she had a stumbled upon her forbidden love, the chairman. When she loked into his eyes she then that this man was everything to her and she do all her will to get him. Although he doesn’t go on a search to find her like in Cinderella, he makes sure each step in her life is for a reason and sooner or later they would meet again. He basically makes her a candidate to becoming a Geisha. To become a geisha you can start at a young age like Chiyo.
Once you are in the Geisha boarding house your first job is to go to your classes and do your daily duties around the house. This process was challenging for Chiyo because she had multiple people in her ear trying to tell her what to do. The transformation of her names shows how she grew up into a beautiful geisha. After meeting the chairman she thought that once becoming a Geisha she will hopefully meet him again one day. She was taken under the supervision of Mameha. Mameha and Hatsumomo did not get along they despised of each other. So it became a battle to see who would be chosen. Chiyo adopts her geisha name Sayuri. She persuaded Mother to invest in her and let her become the Geisha of the house. Sayuri was the most celebrated
There still controversy till this day mainly outside Japan, about the nature of the Geisha profession. A Geisha’s job does not involve sexual activity, nor is a geisha paid for sex. But there is a tradition known as "Mizuage" (portrayed as a deflowering ceremony) a step to becoming a full-fledged geisha. This is when you are sold to a particular man and he takes your virginity.Due to the strict prostituion laws in Japan, Mizuage is no longer practiced. Nitta Sayuri is a Geisha because of the chairman all alone she thought she made a careless mistake and ruined her chances with him. Just like in Cinderalla when he went out his way to set up everything for that day to get with her, everything that happened to her is because the chairman set it up he was just as in love as she was. At the end of the film they finally got to be with each other after enduring so much. With that being said “Geisha is an artist of the floating world, they are not supposed to feel.” These are not the memoirs of a geisha these are the memoirs of another kind…