To: Hospital Trustees
CC: Peer Review Committee
From: Dr. Jonathan Kesler
Date: 6/20/2011
Re: Heart Transplant
The purpose of this memorandum is to inform you that the recipient of the heart transplant has been decided. The following will describe to you the process from which the decision was made. Although the time in which to make the decision was limited the decision was made with professional and ethical choices. There were three qualifying candidates who were in need of the transplant: The first is a 55 year old male named Jerry; then there is a 12 year old girl named Lisa; finally we have a 38 year old named Ozzy. There were however a few ethical factors which had to be considered when making such a decision.
The first factor was the obvious, deciding which of the qualifying candidates would actually be the recipient. My decision was based on the overall good of everyone involved this would include the patient and their past, present and future. It would include the patients overall contribution to society both past and future. It would also include the very reason why they are in this position and …show more content…
Ozzie is single and has an outstanding history of drug abuse. His drug abuse includes and is not limited to crack cocaine. His continued abuse and recent overdose is the primary reason Ozzie is in need of a transplant. Ozzie has lived homeless and in shelters of a minimum of a decade. Only after overdosing Ozzie has become involved locally with helping teens with homework and tutoring and has provided others currently struggling with drug abuse with his past experiences with hopes to defer them from future use. Ozzy will not live out the month without a healthy heart. If Ozzy is to receive the transplant there is a possibility he will live another 10 years. However, he is high risk for Recidivism. This means if he goes back to drug abuse he will quickly damage the new heart and die within