Jean Izean
May 11, 2015
Tynan Mara
Jim Wolf is a 45 year auto-parts old store owner who incessantly washes his hands. He continually checks and rechecks his part lists, equipment, and his employee’s schedules. His wife becomes concerned about his work performance and inability to sleep, she advises him to a physician. After a complete evaluation, a psychiatrist has diagnosed him with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder of the brain and behavior that occurs in two forms, obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are recurring thoughts and emotions which become very distracting and compulsions are a set of behaviors which become rituals that a person feels compelled to perform. Repeating these behaviors are supposed to counteract or diminish the anxiety associated to your obsessions or averts something bad from occurring. However, preforming the compulsion only offers a temporary relief from anxiety of the obsession.
Based on the disease and stage presented in this case, Jim would require a tertiary level of care. Jim received primary care when he spoke to his primary care physician in regards to his concerns. He received secondary care once he was referred to a psychiatrist who later diagnosed him with OCD. At this moment, Jim needs tertiary care in order to receive and start treatment which will help him lead a quality life. The two most effective forms of treatment for OCD are cognitive therapy and medications. Cognitive therapy includes a treatment called Exposure and Responsive Prevention (ERP) which focuses on exposing the person to images and situation that trigger their obsessions in order to confront the anxiety to replace the compulsion with better coping measures. Classes of drugs used to treat OCD are known as serotonin reuptake inhibitors which help relieve Agitation, Anxiety, and Stress.