In 1959 W.H.O. Expert Committee on mental health reviewed the various definitions of mental health and observed that mental health is influenced by both-biological and social factors It is not a static condition but subject to variations and fluctuations in degree, It is the capacity in an individual to form harmonious relations with others and to contribute constructively to changes in his-social and physical environment. '
However, mental health of the children is much more important than that of the physical health mental fitness makes children more useful person in the world and also equipped physically, socially and morally.
Mental health is the health of the personality as a whole and the most important function of education and schools is to secure the mental health of boys and girls.
Physical fitness, is not an end in itself, but is a means' of promoting the mental and moral health of a child. The two factors which retarded the mental health are the feeling of insecurity and the feeling of inferiority It makes the child menially timid and uncreative. They lose confidence and self-initiative.
The feeling of inferiority causes in them frustration and a sense of unworthiness which is difficult to root out even with the most stimulating educational environment and schooling. This feeling of inferiority is dangerous and results in repressions and inhibitions of certain reactions which strike at the very root of harmonious development and of mental health.
Similarly the feeling of insecurity which is clearly discernible in small children gradually passes away as they grow up. But, if the feeling persists in them they will remain uncertain of himself and incapable of constructive and courageous action and will be imitative rather than creative.
Healthy mindedness is essential for constructive and