Research is designed to provide explanations and prove theories, researcher go beyond normal everyday observation and assumption and through various research methods used through systematic and controlled observation show empirical evidence that those observation are valid and prove their hypothesis. There are four different types of research methods that psychology uses to prove the hypothesis and when the researcher begins to prove a theory they must decide on the proper research method to follow to prove that theory.…
The national health care expenditures in the United States are excessive. High health care prices are the main reason for excessive health care spending in the United States. According to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, (NAACP) the United States is 5% of the World population and has 25% of world prisoners. The 25% of detainees are a combination of those in penitentiary, jail and those on parole or probation supervision. The Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) is an agency responsible for the management of the federal prison structure. BOP’s task is to “protect public safety by ensuring that federal…
Economist). Most of this innovation has been at local and state levels. The Council of…
Yes, the video was very informative. What stood out to me was that the people with mental issues aren't getting the same care as others. Especially the people that deal with mental health in jails which make it worse because they're surrounded by four walls all day without no one to talk to or do…
Anyone who watches television or even reads a newspaper has seen examples of the lack of justice in America. Our jails and prisons have become warehouses for criminals. Many who are repeat offenders or substance abusers. Are these people receiving the rehabilitation that they need to become an upstanding citizen? They are being released with no marketable skills for life on the outside. This can lead to many of the people returning the life of crime and thus, becoming one of the many repeat offenders. In many cases of substance abusers, they are released with not treatment for the addictions. Instead they are courts ordered to seek the treatment themselves.…
Explain the function of research in health and social care What is research? Research is a process by which we find answers to questions. Research is systematic and guided by the theory and research of others. Research is finding a better way to do things and only by research can doctors and scientists learn new things to share with humanity.…
Research has various functions/ purposes. These are identifying needs, highlighting in provision, planning provision, informing policy or practice, extending knowledge and understanding, improving practice, aiding reflection, allowing progress to be monitored and finally examining topics of contemporary importance. Every single health professional who is involved when care planning use different research principles to identify the needs of each individual they are looking after. For example at my placement which is at a Nursery the staff need to make sure that every child has exercise to keep their minds alert and to keep their bodies healthy.…
There is a large sum of groups that populate prisons, from offenders with AIDS to youthful offenders usually under the age of 25. The population of offenders that I will be discussing is the group of the mentally ill in prisons. Mentally ill offenders are individuals with mental disorders, according to (National Alliance on Mental Illness), a mental illness is “...a medical condition that disrupts a person's thinking, feeling, mood, ability to relate to others and daily functioning. Just as diabetes is a disorder of the pancreas, mental illnesses are medical conditions that often result in a diminished capacity for coping with the ordinary demands of life.” such a condition is capable of making a person commit a crime with little to no remorse at the time of the crime. Some mental disorders can also make a person commit a crime without them knowing so. People with dementia disorders such as Alzheimer disease, that breaks down a person’s way of thinking and behavior as well as memory dysfunctions, can make them believe that by doing something bad, such as committing a murder crime of an intruder on their home would be the right thing to so in self-defense and protecting their family. However that intruder may not actually be an intruder at all, it could be their own family member that the mental disorder completely wiped out temporarily from the persons memory. Not all crimes are as follows though, someone could be simply having a break down and temporarily lose their sanity and wreak havoc in a manner that disrupts the law.…
Prisons are slowly but surely becoming America’s new Asylums. An estimated 450 million people nationwide suffer from mental or behavioral disorders. These disorders are pretty common within prison populations. This extremely high rate of mental disorders in prison is closely related to several factors: the misconception that all people with mental disorders are a danger to the public, the failure to promote treatment, care, and rehabilitation, and the lack of access to mental health services. Many of these disorders are present before prison however, mental health disorders can also be developed during imprisonment due to human rights violations.…
Research Question: Should mentally ill convicted offenders be incarcerated in jails and prisons or institutionalized in mental health treatment facilities?…
About 100 years ago the mentally ill were removed from prisons and sent to psychiatric hospitals. Yes there were things wrong but, as usual, less and less money was spent on those hospitals until, a couple of decades back western countries decided to save money by closing most of them. The lie that was offered was that "the mentally ill will be better off in society where there will be better treatment and conditions". But that was found to be too expensive and guess what - large numbers of people suffering a mental illness are back in the prisons from whence they came. This fact was predicted and those who predicted it were pilloried, ostracized and the recipients of an enormous backlash from governments and the media while the land those…
The state of prison healthcare in the United States tends to be a complicated issue, largely due to it being a hot topic when discussed with the public. Many inmates are in need of some form of healthcare, whether it be medication, counseling, or mental treatments. However, due to the current environment that these prisoners are in, they may not be receiving the care that they need and deserve. This travesty needs to be addressed and remedied posthaste because while prison inmates may be incarcerated for breaking the law, that does not by any means imply that we as a society do not have an obligation to the wellbeing of these citizens.…
In 2013, around 2,220,300 adults were imprisoned according to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics. The amount of prisoners continues to grow as the years come. As the numbers grow, the amount of mentally ill individuals instituted in prisons grows as well. As much as 50% of the US prison population is diagnosed with some sort of mental illness (Long). Though they might be difficult to handle, the courts must maintain a balance of keeping the mentally ill properly treated while also ensuring the public’s safety.…
And an older population means more expensive health care. In Michigan, a state study found that in a single year (2009) health care for inmates ages 55 to 59 cost more than four times more than for those aged 20 to 24. In Georgia, caring for prisoners ages 65 or older costs about $8,565 per inmate each year. The average annual health-care cost for Georgian prisoners under 65? $961 per inmate.…
Research is important because it allows us to assess and review the quality of schools and education. It allows us to for improvement and policy change. It is help to find how research affects in your community. It is presents more information for examination. This is allow us for improvements based on better information and study.…