Over the past seven years as the school psychologist at an ethnically diverse high school, I have observed that it is not uncommon for high school students (aged 14-18) to experience psychological, social, sexual, addictive, adjustment, and disability-based issues of such clinical significance as to warrant independent professional support. The professional psychologist can provide diagnostic clarification, therapeutic intervention, and even subsequent referrals when appropriate. Parents intuitively recognize the significance of timely intervention at this important transitional age and are eager that their child be afforded the best help the community can offer. Many parents express intense devotion to do whatever is needed to get the support their teen needs. Their gratitude and joy is rewarding when suffering, anxiety or discord is assuaged.
Focusing the high school camera’s field of view more tightly, we see that the high school student faces particular types of issues, many of which can be described as adaptive or existential in nature. These include anxiety over grades and friendships, parental pressure and conflict, parental divorce, peer pressure, peer group conflicts, romantic problems, and existential issues regarding identity, sexuality, self worth, personal limitations, and meaning. Beyond the common adjustment challenges and troubling existential ones, there are the “biggies” which could even more likely develop into referrals. I will list the major ones I have observed, in order of frequency of occurrence. Foremost are the Risk-taking Behaviors (elaboration to follow), then Conduct Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (with or without hyperactivity), Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Depression, Bereavement, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Eating Disorders, Self Injury (Self-Mutilation or Cutting), Bipolar Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, psychotic disorders (more frequently with premorbid or