The film Unforgiven tells the tale of a former killer who embarks on a journey in order to kill two criminals and later confronts a law driven sheriff who controls a town with brute force. Towards the end of the film the protagonist confronts the main villain and kills him. Before dying the man complains that he did not deserve to die the way he did and in response the protagonist replies that “Deserves got nothing to do with it”. This line has left a legacy in cinema and it closely relates to the novel Mercy Among the Children. The main character Sydney, is constantly rejected and hated by the society that he lives in, but he has a different approach as to how to handle these tough situations. Sydney constantly refuses to fight back against those that oppose him. Citizens within the society continually mock and fight Sydney, but he chooses to hold back because he believes that the people who are against him will be judged by a higher power and will face judgment later on. Sydney does his best to help the people in his town and his family. While many characters look for reward, respect and money. Sydney is fine with what he has; he does not feel the need to obtain more and does not try to obtain respect, money or reward using brute force. Sydney shows desire to end conflict whether or not he started it, all he wants is a peaceful relationship amongst others.
Sydney is a calm, intellectual and cautious individual throughout the novel. He gives to others and does not ask for anything in return. He instead does his best to help others and guide them on a path in which they can do good like he does. Ones of the scenes in which Sydney shows kindess towards others, is when he give Sampson Voteur the Christmas basket, despite Sampson’s constants threats and repeated attack. As Sampson prepares for another attack, he breaks down and calls himself and failure. Syndey despite being attacked and insulted, comforts Voteur and tells