Rios meets with another individual, Jose, who lives in a complex near 80th and International. His complex was often times loitered by gang members, who would inflict fear into Jose at an early age, by “shoot[ing] their guns and break[ing] shit and fight[ing].” (52) When Jose was young, he was walking back from the liquor store, where he had purchased a gallon of milk for his family. On his way back, a teenage gang member pushed Jose on his back, landing on the gallon of milk. The teenage boys laughed at him. In retaliation, Jose went to the police where he reported the story, to find out that the officer had “better things to do.” (52) This basically told Jose that he could not rely on
Rios meets with another individual, Jose, who lives in a complex near 80th and International. His complex was often times loitered by gang members, who would inflict fear into Jose at an early age, by “shoot[ing] their guns and break[ing] shit and fight[ing].” (52) When Jose was young, he was walking back from the liquor store, where he had purchased a gallon of milk for his family. On his way back, a teenage gang member pushed Jose on his back, landing on the gallon of milk. The teenage boys laughed at him. In retaliation, Jose went to the police where he reported the story, to find out that the officer had “better things to do.” (52) This basically told Jose that he could not rely on