According to Meric and Bravo” harassment isn’t about sex but about power.” Sexual harassment is deliberate by the harasser, making someone uncomfortable gives them a sense power by causing the victim to feel powerless.
Harassers who hold a racist as well as a sexist view tend to target women- especially women of color. A victim of sexual harassment is usually insecure about their job making them an easy target.
In 2006 I was hired at a data center, primarily women - over 400. For the first 4 months during training I thought I had found a great job. I could do this; my job was providing a means of insurance for my family. (At the time my husband was self-employed.) I trained with a group of about 30 women. I made some friends; at least I thought they were my friends. When I was hired in my son was 3 years old. I had my two daughters in latchkey it closed at 5:00 pm. The child care that was available for my son closed at …show more content…
When the ringleader’s friend needed a job she began harassing me. She wanted me to resign my position, there were 4 of them. She embarrassed me by discussing her personal relationships then taunting me to divulge my relationships. She was nice one day and she was mean to me the next. She complained to my boss that I was taking too many bathroom breaks, I was talking too loud to the customers on the phone, etc. – I was given a warning from my boss. When I tried to defend myself my boss told me I needed to conform, get along and be part of the team. Anything I said or did was blown out of proportion. I was just trying to do my job. I was good at it. When I had my review my boss was happy with my performance. Yet, I was afraid of losing my job. For 13 months I did not want to go to work. I could not believe how cruel women could be. When my husband landed an account manager position with full benefits, I resigned, their friend was