
Merode Altarpiece: A Visual Analysis

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Merode Altarpiece: A Visual Analysis
Iconography is the identification, description and interpretation of subject matter in art (Getlein). It is a way to convey meaningful message through images. The word itself is telling us the meaning icon (image) and graphy (to write). It is a very unique way to compose images symbolically to deliver a message especially for the population that is illiterate. Iconography is a logical way for people to learn about their world, their faith through visual stories.

For the first painting of Campin’s Merode Altarpiece, my initial impressions were that at the right side an old guy is working with his instruments trying to make something that is really hard to guess what it could be. In the center image, an angel is coming inside a room where
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I thought that people around him were really sad and mourning about how he was in such pain at that moment. And one girl is actually kneeling down, praying that he doesn’t die. The guy on the right doesn’t look sad and seems like he is reading bible out loud and have a feeling that nothing wrong is going to happen. At the side it looks like the Resurrection process is occurring where Jesus rose again from death. After reading the notes, yes Mary and Mary Magdalene are begging and pleading for mercy and Christ is in very pain. St. John is supporting Mary whereas Mary Magdalene falls on the ground after so much of crying that she can’t stand any longer. On the right. John Baptist, the lamb holding the cross and chalice showing no emotion with the knowledge that Christ will be saved. The lamb is representing Christ’s flock and the lamb with the cross spills the blood in the chalice. In the side resurrection occurs. The painter trying to explain the whole scene when Christ was hanging on the cross and how some were pleading and some were calm and how he actually rose back after being dead in just one

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