Mental illness is a general term referring to psychological, emotional, or behavioural disorders as well to the view that these disorders are diseases of the mind. Because it’s more to do with the psychological aspect, methods of treatment are different from a physical disability. A physical disability may involve treatment like acupuncture and traditional medicine whilst a mental illness (disability) treatment involves physical, psychological and medical approach.
Mental illness is difficult to understand because there are no physical effects and as a result theories have being written that it is a social construction. There are different types of mental illness which include eating disorders, depression, dementia and Schizophrenia. This has lead to social injustice whereby mentally ill people are discriminated.
Social constructionists like Scheff, Szasz and Goffman studies of mental illness examine how cultural conceptions of mental illness arise, are applied, and change. They differ from traditional views of mental illness because they conceive of symptoms as cultural definitions rather than as properties of individuals. They argue that mental illness can not only be treated by medicine, but by looking at the root of the problem. They argue that the cause if mental illness are social and environmental factors like difficult work conditions, stigma and family situations unlike the medical model.
Szasz and Scheff argue that mental illness is not an illness but a label made but others who are more powerful in society. These people include politicians, mass media and doctors and their actions have a disruptive effect on those seen as socially disruptive.
Goffman looks the people whose behaviour has been labelled, and the consequences that follow once the label is applied.
Thomas Scheff argues that even the most useful of the