Full Name
Common Nicknames
Crystal, Speed, Glass, Crank, Poor mans coke, Quick, Ice, Chalk.
How It Is Synthesized
The main ingredient that goes into making meth is pseudoephedrine, a decongestant in most over the counter cold medication, that in combination but a host of other toxic chemicals such as lye and drain cleaner. Form
White or yellow powder, clear or yellowish crystals or “shards”, or in pill form.
Smoked, snorted, swallowed, or injected.
Addiction Factor
Extremely Addictive
Physical & Mental Effects
Brain damage, organ failure, open sores, rotting teeth, stroke, mania, paranoia, obsessive compulsive behaviours, twitching or shaking, psychosis, etc.
Social Effects
Withdrawal from friends and family, increased criminal activity to support addiction or due to violent episodes while high, and an increase in overall violent and/or rude behaviour.
Environmental Effects
When methamphetamine is being synthesized, there are over 5 pounds of toxic waste as a byproduct for every pound of meth. This waste is almost never disposed of properly and finds its way into ecosystems which pollutes water, destroys habitats and kills wildlife and can be harmful to humans if they should come into contact with any chemical byproducts. This is why many meth lab technicians are sent to the hospital for chemical burns.
What Does Methamphetamine Do To The Body?
The Heart
Methamphetamine affects the heart and the circulatory system by increasing heart rate and blood pressure substantially. Repetitive use can cause irregular heartbeat, heart attack, stroke, and ultimately death. These side effects will improve over a long period of time in which the individual has abstained from using the drug.
The Senses
Meth may cause the user to see, hear, feel, smell, or taste things that aren’t really there, if these sort of hallucinations persist, fullblown psychosis may develop.