The results gathered clearly state that our results which were 71oC and 90oC are quite close to the classes average set of results by about 2, but, when graphing the alkalise by the boiling and melting point they both follow the same slope, it continues to rise just like the results gathered in the example do.
2. Which of the 2 unknown substances was which? How did you figure this out?
The two unknown substances were the methanol and propenol because each of them were being tested in this experiment to discover the boiling point of each of these alcohols by analysing each of their temperatures to eventually discover the averages.
3. Explain results using scientific reasoning – link the relationship between the structure of the molecules and their melting and boiling points.
The relationship between the structure of the molecules and their melting and boiling points is that they both are relatively close to each other for example each of the two alcohols methanol and propenol are only two points away from each other meaning they have a …show more content…
The two random errors that may have been present during the process of this experiment would have included the measuring cylinders and the thermometer for they both has to require measuring which could have easily been either miss-read or not done properly, things like an inaccurate amount of water filled within the water bath or not recording the right measured