Overview, Assessment, and Selection Criteria
Hannah Kosow
Robert Gaßner
Methods of Future and Scenario Analysis
German Development Institute (DIE)
The German Development Institute is a multidisciplinary research, consultancy, and training institute for Germany’s bilateral development cooperation as well as for multilateral development cooperation. On the basis of independent research, it acts as consultant to public institutions in Germany and abroad on current issues of cooperation between developed and developing countries. In a 9-month training course, the German Development
Institute prepares German and European university graduates for careers in the field of development policy.
Hannah Kosow is a researcher at the Institute for Futures Studies and
Technology Assessment (IZT), Berlin. Hannah studied social and political sciences at the University of Stuttgart and at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Bordeaux with a main focus on technological and environmental sociology, political theory and public and political communication. Since
2006, she has worked at IZT in the areas of technology assessment, user acceptance, risk assessment, and participatory methods, as well as futures analysis and scenario analysis. Hannah’s research focuses on new technologies in health care and on methodological and empirical questions related to participatory and future oriented approaches.
E-Mail: h.kosow@izt.de
Robert Gaßner, a psychologist by training, is a senior researcher at the Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment (IZT), Berlin. Since
1985, Dr. Gaßner has worked in the field of interdisciplinary technology assessment and technology design. In recent years, his research has included work on sustainable development and general and methodological questions of futures research, particularly using scenario planning and other participative approaches. Dr. Gaßner also serves as a facilitator
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