The coloured and colourless cells are then counted using a haemocytometer and the number of viable and nonviable cells determined in a given area, the result would be then used to estimate the number of cells in the original sample. This is an easy, quick and cheap method to determine the amount of viable yeast present in a sample though this is not the best method for a number of reasons.
A major reason is that methylene blue rapidly becomes toxic to the yeast and as such preparations should be examined within 10 minutes of preparation. The older the cells become, the less likely that they are to take up the methylene blue dye from solution since as the yeast age, they deposit lipid and/or sugar in their cell membrane (in the form of free sterols[predominantly ergosterol and zymosterol with minor portions of lanosterol and fecosterol] and phospholipids[phosphotidylcholine and phosphotidylethanolamine with minor portions of phosphotidylinositol, phosphotidylserine and phosphotidyl-glycerol]) as a survival mechanism to protect their internal mechanisms from the buildup of waste in the external environment. This means that cells which are not viable would not take up the dye and due to their age and not their ability to break down the methylene blue (as a result of their viability) would remain colourless and be determined to be viable (a false positive).
The test itself is also not very accurate since yeast might not be evenly distributed in the original sample and depending on the