Forcing the idea of one religion onto another is unjust, but that's exactly what President James K. Polk did. He believed that it was “God's plan” for Americans to move west and to pursue the idea of manifest destiny, but since most Americans are Christian Lutherans and most mexicans are Catholic he was forcing an idea from his religion onto the Mexicans. According to document A, “Other nations have undertaken… hostile interference against us,... hampering our power, limiting our greatness and checking the fulfillment of our …show more content…
The war between America and Mexico could have been resolved in many different ways instead of combat. Many people are glad to have so much land from the war, but it was an unjust war. It is important for America to learn that in order to start a war, there has to be justified reason to go to war. The Mexican American war was unjust in so many ways including manifest destiny, border dispute, and Americans not following Mexico's laws. Americans can now apply what happened with the Mexican American war to the future conflicts ahead, to know when to start a war and when to