That is the reason why, we are here to expose all the commitment and efforts that Mexico is doing and is open to do in the future to overcome any adversity. Our priority now is not to end drugs, but to fight against drug trade and to create good security conditions for our families (Aporrea, 2012). Our objective is to put down the drug-related violence, to reduce migration and to improve our quality of life. We need to negotiate with our neighbor, because we both are living difficult realities, creating deaths, violence and fear, and this need to be solved as soon as possible.
Mexico is considered the country with more emigrants in the world. More than 10% of our native population lives abroad and the 97% of them reside in the United States, representing more than 12 million, legal and illegal, migrants. However, United States authorities are simply deporting around 60 000 migrants per year, without thinking about future consequences that this may create for both countries (Huff Post, 2011). Among these deported people there are criminals, but for the United States it is cheaper to deport them than prosecuting them. Consequently, violence in Mexico 's border areas has increased. (BBC News, 2012). Nowadays the Mexican government is creating a more competitive economy: more jobs, equal opportunities, in order to reduce migration. However, the United States needs all the Mexican workers to strengthen their economy, to make it grow at
Bibliography: Aporrea, 2012. Felipe Calderón: Si EEUU consumiera menos droga México tendría menos problemas. Retrieved from: Gobierno Federal, 2010. Discurso del Presidente Felipe Calderón en el Congreso de Estados Unidos de América. Retrieved from: Rural Migration News, 2001. Guest Workers: Mexico-US Negotiations. Retrieved from: BBC News , 2012. Q&A: Mexico 's drug-related violence. Retrieved from: Huff Post, 2012. Mexico Drug War: President Enrique Pena Nieto Vows To Continue Fight. Retrieved from: Time World, 2013. Mexico Goes After the Narcos — Before They Join the Gangs. Retrieved from