Their major activities include "maintaining traffic checkpoints along highways leading from border areas, conducting city patrol and transportation check, and anti-smuggling investiga-tions." (Border Patrol Overview: Border Patrol Operations) The far-reaching length of the border explains why it is necessary to use a wide …show more content…
“More than 5,900 pounds of cocaine and more than 2.2 million pounds of marijuana” had been taken into custody by border guards. In the meantime it had become clear that illegal immigration from Mexico is closely linked to the problem of drug trafficking, the so-called Mexican drug war. Hundreds of unauthorized immigrants carrying drugs are attempting to cross the border, every week. Mostly, these immigrants are the owners of forged papers and they are supported by information about the best points of entry by Mexican drug lord. 80 percent of cocaine and 50 percent of heroine of the total amount of drugs reaching the U.S. are smuggled across the U.S.-Mexican border. The crime rate along the border and also inside the country has increased due to the unimaginable extent of poverty. (Border Patrol Overview: Drug