In the classroom, it is all reduced to the class activities of the subject of learning.
2:Contextual Paradigm: It´s the way of learning where the student learns through his surroundings, where he lives, the type of classmates he has, and the culture of the place he lives. It enforces the learning through experience.
3; Cognitive Paradigm: This paradigm talks about how the student has a potential of learning, it denies that the surrounding have anything to do with how you think. It is only the mind who moves the person. The student gets feedback from the professor and he uses him to get criticism on the work he does. It also defines intelligence as a person´s creativity and critical thinking.
4; Humanist Paradigms: It makes the student think for himself. It tries to teach the student an ethical and altruistic way of thinking. It supports individuality, for people to be themselves without being like others. Unlike the other paradigms, the student is a single being and should be treated as such, with individual ways of teaching each …show more content…
This type of thinking is where the teacher gives the knowledge and the student must construct his own knowledge without fear of getting something wrong. The teacher only gives the idea and the student must form his own thought about it.
Now that we saw through that, we can ask: “Which is predominant in Mexico?” And with the new laws and reforms that have been done to the country since the times of Lazaro Cárdenas who was a big education supporter. Nowadays we have implanted in our schools the constructivist paradigm.
But there is a big issue with it, it doesn´t work here. Why? Simple. The teachers don’t want to teach and the students don´t want to learn. The teachers don´t want to teach because they are not getting paid. The resources for their checks is going to the pockets of corrupt governors and big evil company directors. Students don’t want to learn because they aren´t encouraged to do so. They don’t have the right tools to learn. Then here comes the million dollar question: “How can we use our knowledge to make a better education?”
Education uses every single type of knowledge because of all the ways that a person can learn.