One of the best ways to ensure that one’s body gets to absorb all the goodness of malunggay is by drinking it as a tea. Malunggay tea is a very healthy drink because it is abundant with polyphenols or flavonoids, an effective antioxidant.
If you cannot find moringa or malunggay tea in the market, you can buy or harvest (if you have your own moringa tree) fresh malunggay leaves and try making your own malunggay tea. The malunggay leaves to use should be so fresh with no signs of yellowing.
How to Make Malunggay Tea
You will need:
Fresh malunggay leaves with no signs of yellowing (2-3 compound leaves)
Clean Tray
Clean sheet of manila or bond paper
Basket with 2-3 cm. fine mesh
Tea bags
Air tight containers
Put the fresh malunggay leaves in a tray. Clean the leaves by dusting and sorting out any unnecessary particles. Then lay out the leaves in a clean sheet of manila or bond paper. Put the malunggay leaves in an indoor drying shade and left it there for 2-3 days.
Be careful not to sun-dry the leaves as it will destroy the vitamins and minerals in malunggay and affect the quality of the tea. The malunggay leaves will only be air-dried to wilt and remove excess moisture and it only needs a very light amount of oxidation.
After the air drying, the next process is pan-drying. In this method, heat will be applied to the dried malunggay leaves by dry cooking it in hot pans. Minimal oxidation will happen during this process. To do this, heat the leaves in a pan with a very low fire to remove excess moisture and to sanitize it. The leaves should be constantly stirred and turned over for 2-3 minutes. Be careful not to overcook it.
Put the roasted leaves in a transparent plastic bag. Seal or tighten the