Running Head: Teams in Organizations
Leadership and Organizational Behavior
Case Study Write-up: Work Book Case 7: The Forgotten Group Member
September 00, 2013
Teams in Organizations – The Forgotten Group Member
Team work is very important as it gives people the opportunity to come together, interact and work to achieve particular objectives. In the Forgotten Group Member, this team should engage in or stipulated by and directed towards one common goal to be successful so that they would be able to get a good grade on this assignment. Thus, it takes more than one person to accomplish this task and people were assigned various parts, wherein the need was to pool talents, knowledge and power in order to complete the work.
There are five stages of group development: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. However, I believe this group was at the performing stage because it was already formed, team coordinator chosen and have assimilated a common set of expectations of what defines the correct member behavior. The group energy had moved from getting to know and understand each other to performing the task at hand and should be fully functional.
An understanding of the stages of group development would have helped Christine, as a team coordinator to understand why Mark behaved the way that he did. If she had understood from the beginning, that effective teams held themselves accountable at both the individual and team