Technology & Innovation Management
Prof. Steven R. Savitz
Executive in Residence
Wesley J. Howe School of Technology Management
Stevens Institute of Technology
Hoboken, New Jersey 07030
Office Phone: 201-216-8242 e-Fax: 1-720-596-7470
Babbio Center 303A
Email: Use Moodle email only
Office Hours : Wed. 11-5pm, or by appointment
1. Module I, Introduction to Technology & Innovation Management
2. MODULE II, Linkage of Business Strategy to the Tech. Strategy
3. MODULE III, Strategic Technology Roadmapping & Platform Management
4. MODULE IV, Core Competencies, Competitor Assessment
5. MODULE V, Innovation in the Service Industry
6. MODULE VI, Technology Transfer, Patents & Intellectual Property
7. MODULE VII, Technology Strategy Development
8. MODULE VIII, Development Strategy and Strategic Portfolio Management
The conceptual; framework of this course is an evolutionary process perspective on technology management and innovation. The focus here is on PROCESSES to help firms better manage technology and innovation. The fundamental ideas underlying this evolutionary perspective are 1) a firm’s technology strategy emerges from its technological competencies and capabilities; 2) technology strategy is shaped by external (environmental) and internal (organizational) forces; and 3) the enactment of technology strategy, through the experience it generates, serves to further develop the firm’s technological competences and capabilities. We will deal with typical issues that managers in technology based firms deal with. This course discusses the strategic management of technology and innovation. Our goal is to develop managerial skills, methodologies and critical thinking in order to achieve a sustainable
References: All your course materials are on the Harvard site, and/or posted on Moodle or handed out by the instructor, except the one book we will use which is the Chritstensen book below: ► - The Innovator’s Dilemma, by Clayton Christensen, HBS Press, 1997. Course Start Date: Jan 16, 2013