Course title Strategic management
Credits 3
Study program(s) MBA
Lecture hours (per week, or per day in summer term) Total of 46 contact hours
Lab hours (per week or overall per semester – please state clearly)
Studio hours (per week, or per day in summer term)
A. Purpose statement
MGT 603 is intended to be a challenging and exciting capstone course for the Business Administration curriculum. It is first and foremost a course about “strategy” and about “managing for success.” The course centers on the theme that a company achieves sustained success if and only if its managers (1) have an astute, timely strategic game plan for running the company, and (2) implement and execute the plan with proficiency. …show more content…
The Process of Crafting and Executing Strategy:
1. Costas Markides, Strategy as Balance: From “Either-or” to “And”
2. Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Strategy as Improvisational Theater
3. Eric M. Olson, & Stanley F. Slater, The Balanced Scorecard, Competitive Strategy, and Performance
Crafting Strategy in Single-Business Companies:
4. Danny Miller, Russell Eisenstat, & Nathaniel Foote, Strategy from the Inside Out: Building Capability-Creating Organizations
5. Richard D’Aveni, The Empire Strikes Back: Counter-revolutionary Strategies for Industry Leaders
6. David B. Yoffie, & Mary Kwak, Mastering Balance: How to Meet and Beat a Stronger Opponent
7. Thomas Osegowitsch, & Anoop Madhok, Vertical Integration Is Dead, or IS It?
8. Pankaj Ghemawat, The Forgotten Strategy
9. Jason Wakeam, The Five Factors of a Strategic Alliance
10. Nancy J. Kaplan, & Jonathan Hurd, Realizing the Promise of Partnerships
Crafting Strategy in Diversified Companies:
11. Chris Zook, & James Allen, Growth Outside the Core
12. C. Gopinath, When Acquisitions Go Awry: Pitfalls in Executing Corporate