Spring 2009
Deadline for Submission: Wednesday, 4/18/12, by 5 pm
Provide a medium-paragraph length answer to each question below (using full and complete sentences). The questions are about the textbook readings listed on the syllabus for 4/11/12 and 4/18/12.
1. Briefly explain Michael Sandel’s example of Casey Martin’s golf cart, and explain how Sandel uses the example to illustrate Aristotle’s ethical theory.
Michael Sandel explanation of the Casey martin golf cart case is that Casey martin
Who was a professional golfer who had a circulatory disorder were by walking
The golf course would cause him great pain and put him at risk hemorrhaging and
Serious fracture. He asks the PGA if he could use a golf cart during the games. The PGA said
No he could not use a cart citing rules against using carts during top professional games.
Martin took the PGA to court arguing that he had disabilities and was protected under the 1990 American with disabilities act, citing reasonable accommodations provided it didn’t alter the nature of the game. The case went all the way up to the U.S Supreme court where the justices found them sleeves dealing with a silly argument .the court rule in
Martin favors seven to two that he had a right to use a golf cart. Citing that the golf cart Was not in consistent with the game of golf .the PGA said that martin was being giving
And advantage.
2. Explain what Michael Sandel calls our “obligations of solidarity.” According to Sandel, what makes us morally bound by these obligations of solidarity, and why does the Rawlsian/liberal account of obligation fail to include these types of obligation?
Michael sandel say’s that our obligations of solidarity are particular and are not universal. They are moral responsibilities we awe and those who share a certain history with .they are also not an act of consent and are from an aspect of moral reflection. From my stories