Micromotor Fabrication
Mehran Mehregany, Stephen D. Senturia, Member, IEEE, Jeffrey H. Lang, Member, IEEE, and Pradnya Nagarkar
Abstract-This paper presents a detailed discussion of micromotor fabrication and related critical issues. The micromotors under study are of the variable-capacitance side-drive type with salient-pole and wobble (harmonic) designs. Polysilicon surface micromachining forms the basis of the micromotor fabrication process. In this process, LPCVD heavily phosphorus-doped polysilicon is used for the structural parts. LPCVD silicon nik d e is used for electrical isolation, and CVD low-temperature oxide is used as the sacrificial material. The fabrication process impacts the performance characteristics of the micromotor through the reproduction accuracy of the design geometry and through the modification of the characteristics of contacting surfaces. Pattern definition and delineation are among the most critical steps of the micromotor fabrication process because of the increasing surface topography during fabrication and the large film thicknesses utilized. The release and testing process can affect the frictional characteristics of the micromotor significantly, determining success or failure of operation by dielectric excitation.
have been fabricated in our work and by outlining the impact of the fabrication process on micromotor perfor-
I. INTRODUCTION ICROFABRICATION provides a powerful tool for batch processing and miniaturization of mechanical systems into a dimensional domain not accessible by conventional machining. Additionally, microfabrication provides the potential for integration of mechanical systems with the electronics required for closed-loop control. To realize these potentials, a number of recent studies have concentrated on the development of microfabricated silicon passive mechanisms and electric microactuators [ 13. Electric micromotors
References: Authorized licensed use limited to: National Taiwan Univ of Science and Technology. Downloaded on October 31, 2008 at 20:47 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.