All types of in situ carcinomas have risk to transform into invasive carcinoma; the risk of invasive carcinoma development is related to cytologic grade of tumor. (58)
2) Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS): also be called lobular neoplasia characterized by proliferations of neoplastic cells replacing the normal epithelial of breast lobules, but they don’t grow through the wall of the lobules, LCIS will not always become invasive lobular carcinoma. …show more content…
Microscopically, the lobules are enlarged, filled with uniform, round, small to medium sized cells usually obliterating the lumen, the cells lost their cohesion.
(59) Risk of invasive carcinoma development from LCIS is increased.
Diagnosis: Often, LCIS does not cause a tumor that can be felt mostly, LCIS is found when a biopsy is done for another breast problem.
A certain kind of LCIS, called pleomorphic, may be more likely to turn into invasive cancer than most kinds of LCIS. (60) (A) (B)
Fig.22. A & B: Lobular carcinoma in situ. The distended lobules obliterated by small and relatively uniform cells, H & E, X100 and X400.
Invasive carcinoma Tumors, in which there is a stromal invasion by malignant cells, Invasive tumors, are categorized into two groups: ductal and lobular.
• Invasive ductal carcinoma, Not-otherwise-specified (NOS) This is the most common type of breast cancer, consisting 75% to 80% of breast cancers, IDC starts in a milk duct of the breast, grows through the wall of the duct, and grows into the fatty tissue of the breast, it able to metastasize to other parts of the body through the lymphatic and bloodstream. (62) Grossly, the tumors are variable in size and consistency; in the prototype ones, the lesions are firm with ill-defined border and ''chalky streaks'' appearance on cut sections, some tumors may have softer consistency with a better-defined border.
Microscopically, the tumor cells may grow in sheets, nests, cords or single cell, Glandular formation varies between cases, the cells also show considerable variation, ranging from small cells with relatively uniform nuclei to markedly pleomorphic cells, mitotic figures are evident and necrosis may occur, myoepithelial cells are absent, based on morphology some other subtypes of IDC are present. (34)