Observation of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
Many of the cells and organisms that you will be studying are at the lower limits of visibility of light microscopes; therefore, it is extremely important that you attain critical lighting and focussing. It is also important to handle the microscope competently to avoid damaging either the microscope or the preparation you are studying. Even students who have previously used microscopes should read the instructions carefully.
Guide Biolabo
to the following web site: http://salinella.bio.uottawa.ca/biolabo/ (you can try it from home). Under
Microscopy …show more content…
It is strongly recommended that you visit these pages prior to attending your first lab.
Image J / Qcapture
Although you can make all your observations by watching directly through the oculars, it also can be done on the computer screen using the digital camera attached to each microscope. For that, you will use the Image J program together with a capture plugin called Qcapture. Visit the lab website to learn how to use Image J (link on the homepage). All observations can be made on your computer screen or in the oculars. Each method has its advantages and drawbacks; you will have to choose which one it more appropriate (or the one you prefer):
Greater resolution
Wider field of