Strategic Information Systems to keep Microsoft ahead in the gameDecisions are classified into structured (repetitive) and unstructured (not routine). Thisinformation will allow the organisation to develop the best strategy to achieving orfulfilling its mission. Most scholars in strategic management are familiar with thedistinction between "content" research which deals with the content of strategies and"process" research which examines the strategic decision process and the factors thataffect it. Content research has been quite useful in providing rules and guidelines on thetypes of strategies which lead to the best performance for different types oforganisations in different competitive conditions (Schwenk, 1995). Before a companycan achieve improvements in its organisation, the company has to first recognise itsweaknesses (intelligence phase), conceive alternative solutions (design phase), selectthe best suited among the alternatives (choice phase) and then execute the bestchoices (implementation phase). The question is then asked, what information isrequired to increase the competitiveness of Microsoft? Key Success Factors, factorswhich must go right if the company is to achieve it’ mission are indications of theposition Microsoft stands in relation to its competitors and where it needs to go. Inimplementing systems that will aim at improving its security Microsoft will then increaseits market share as people will be forced to buy. Secondly Microsoft will need to dointensive research on its competitors, researching the products that they have (andMicrosoft lacks) and improving on these systems. Making sure that its software’s
9. (Microsoft) are always ahead of its competitors; improving on its present systems suchas Internet Explorer, the Microsoft Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Library and RemoteProcedure Call (RPC). Also extending it’s cliental and the types of software’s availablewill definitely give Microsoft a competitive edge to its competitors such as