She described her marriage as being very positive and loving. When asked how she managed to stay married for nearly twenty-four-years, Lilly described having lots of love and commitment, their children, and their mutual faith beliefs; additionally, she credited having separate interests as well as activities they enjoy doing together, such a weekly date night, for her successful marriage. On the other hand, when asked about conflict in her marriage, Lilly described resolving conflict calmly and rationally. However, she explained that her and her husband occasionally argue and they typically give each other space and do not take things personally. Moreover, Lilly reported being excited about parenthood and only experiencing the adjustments of having a newborn. She did not feel parenthood was excessively difficult. She explained her expectations of motherhood as being able to provide for and nurture her children alongside her husband; Lilly feels that being a mother exceeded her expectations. However, Lilly was married prior to her current husband for three and a half years. Although she feels there was not any additional problems within their marriage, Lilly explained her first husband had an affair; she feels the affair was the result of the freedom her first husband experienced after moving out of his strict parents’ house when they got married. Additionally, Lilly reported feeling upset and hurt after …show more content…
To explain, I now better understand the importance of remaining happy and passionate in a successful marriage. Also, I feel that I better understand the adults in my life in the middle adulthood stage, especially my parents. Like Lilly, my mother gave up her career after giving birth to me. After this interview, I understand the conflict my mother underwent when she decided to give up the career she loved to become a stay at home mother. I now have more respect and admiration for my mother for sacrificing her career for my siblings and myself. Also, I have more insight into my parents’ marriage and the work and love it has taken for them to stay together for over twenty-five years. I feel that I now have a deeper understanding of the adults in my life and the developmental milestones they are undergoing as they