Age group: Early Childhood
Task 2: Topic Identify your topic choice: Social Skills Provide a 1 paragraph summary of your topic: I want to look deeper into the social aspects of early childhood education. I find it fascinating that early childhood aged children have already developed most of their basic ground social skills, and will build from there on up. What makes your topic appropriate for the age group you have chosen (1-2 sentences): I believe that early childhood is an age that as a teacher, I can be very influential in molding them in the right way socially and helping them set the basis for major social skills that they will use for the rest of their lives. The social skills you learn in early childhood usually stick with you forever. Early childhood is a time for planting the right seeds in them for a future of successful growing. List your 2 outside resources in APA style: Oswalt, A., MSW. (n.d.). Vygotsky's Special Development Emphasis. Seven Counties Services Inc. Retrieved from Masten, A. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Task 3: Theory Identify your theory choice: Vygotskys sociocultural theory Provide a 1 paragraph summary of your theory: Vygotsky’s theory is all about social factors contributing to cognitive development, and about culture affecting cognitive development. How does your theory help to explain or apply to your topic (2-3 sentences): This theory will help to explain my topic because I am interested in how social skills of early childhood aged children change over time and how social factors affect how they react to certain situations. This theory focuses on outside factors contributing if not mainly affecting the cognitive development of a person. List your 1 outside resource in APA style: Mcleod , S. (n.d.). Retrieved from