The Crimean War was a collision between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire to decide who controls the Black …show more content…
The upper class was the primary class of the social hierarchy of England during the Victorian Era. This class was then divided into three parts; the royal class, middle upper class, and the lower upper class. The royal class consisted of members of the royal family and the priests/spiritual guiders. The middle upper class involves “officers, temporal lords and the baronets.” The lower upper class occupies the prosperous business individuals. The Middle Class is made of those who worked for their earnings. This class was divided into two sub-classes; the higher-level middle class and the lower-level middle class. The higher-level middle class contained people who recovered higher salaries and also had a higher social status than the lower- level middle class. The lower- level middle class consisted of workers who followed the orders of the higher-level middle class. The working class contained laborers separated into sub classes; the skilled and unskilled class. The skilled class controlled the unskilled class who were the lowest laborers. The last class was the Under Class and the people who lived under this label were the poor and the prostitutes. The poor relied on the assistance of others as well as the