101 College Parkway - Florestano Bldg. 202A ( Arnold, Maryland 21012 office (410) 777-7063; fax (410) 777-7054
HLS/HIS 261—History of the Middle East--Online
Spring Semester 2013
Course Syllabus and General Information
Course Description: The History of the Middle East course will explore processes of change and broad continuities in Middle Eastern history, demonstrating how change and continuity have influenced the region from the era immediately preceding the Prophet Muhammad to the present day. The course is designed to give students an appreciation of the way that Middle Eastern societies have been shaped in the following topical areas: the geography and pre-Islamic history of the Middle East; the rise and expansion of Islam; medieval Muslim society and culture; the rise, decline, and collapse of the Ottoman Empire; the impact of the West on Middle Eastern politics and society; the rise of nationalism in the Middle East; the Arab-Israeli conflict and the peace process; and the emergence of modern revolutionary movements, resurgence of Islam, and Middle East today.
Semester/Session: Spring Semester 2013: January 23 – May 19, 2013. HLS/HIS 261, Section 875, meets online.
Professor: Joseph T. Stanik 410-757-5572 (H) jtstanik@mymail.aacc.edu (Please use the ANGEL email system for course-related correspondence.)
Office Hours: Contact the instructor to schedule a date and time and arrange a location.
Required Course Texts: • Arthur Goldschmidt and Lawrence Davidson, A Concise History of the Middle East (10th ed.), Westview Press, ISBN 9780813348216. (Abbreviated “GD” in the course schedule.)* • Marvin E. Gettleman & Stuart Schaar (rev. ed.), The Middle East and Islamic World Reader, Grove Press, ISBN 139780802145772. (GS)* *Note: These two textbooks are on reserve in the AACC library. They can also be purchased as e-books. Please be aware that the pagination for