Arriving at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church for Al-Anon meeting, I was lead to a conference room setup with tables and chairs in a circle. The chairman, secretary, and sponsors were going over what information needed to be discuss at the meeting. After a few minutes they ask people if this was their first meeting. The secretary provided the new people with a welcome newcomer packet. The group waited a few minutes for later comer.…
The meeting was opened with a moment of silence to reflect followed by the Serenity Prayer. This is intended to allow the meeting to begin with a unified intention by all members. The circle allows all members of the group to view each other directly and fosters a sense of equality, each member having the same value as the next. While the director is the official facilitator of the meeting, other senior members direct discussion that relate to their areas of responsibility. The hierarchy is established from the owner down to the newest staff member for purposes of chain of command and final decision making authority however, final decisions are not made until each member with information to share are given the opportunity to do so. An agenda is provided to each member of the group to allow for smooth transition between topics. Announcements of events, new residents, and other important points are shared at the beginning of the meeting. Explanations of these items are also shared for the benefit of new staff members and each is encouraged to ask questions to ensure all staff is fully informed. Any concerns are addressed in the moment and conversation was open and permitted each member to share in the discussion…
With my group, at the very first class meeting, it seemed to me that most of the members knew each other and with that it created a relaxed atmosphere. With a relaxed…
Once the meeting started, it moved along according to an agenda. Others had been given materials to read as I had. As people were called upon to read what was given to them, I realized that these materials were read at every meeting as they all seemed to have them memorized and recited along with the reader or when the reader came to certain parts of the reading, they had a response. Once the Who is an Addict? and, What is the Narcotics Anonymous Program were read then everyone introduced themselves by first name only – Hello, my name is _______ and I am an addict. The group responded with, Hello, ________. Following this, members read Why are We Here?, How it Works, The…
There was the actual group leader Andre, and then there was a woman, Christy, who helped him lead the group and keep everyone on task. She also was the groups contact person, and filled out all the forms for peoples parole officers, help house leaders, etc. Then there were 3 or 4, depending on the night, members who wanted to be in control of the group. Two of them were actually beneficial to the group and provided them with helpful stories and commentary. Then there were the other two who just seemed to want to interrupt the group just to share something they thought was important, but not something that helped the group or went along with the group discussion. I think this was very challenging to the group overall, there was a lot of whispering going on while these members talked, whispers of “someone shut him/her up” “I can’t stand it when he/she shares” etc. I think that the assigned leaders should step up and quiet them down or try and get them into some type of individual counseling. It is a tough situation though because if they are asked to leave the group or quit sharing it may lead to a relapse or them just not attending meetings anymore because they feel unwelcome, and that is not beneficial at all. You could see that the leaders were trying to keep things on track and had subtle ways of trying to quiet a person, but it didn’t always…
The process of the meetings consisted on a specific structure, as the meetings need to be in a quiet, uninterrupted room at fixed times. The person in charge starts the meeting on time by giving a welcome like “I M.J., and alcoholic would like to welcome you to the Thursday evening to the fellowship hall meeting. We would like to give a special welcome to new attendees, and please introduce yourselves”. After the new attendees introduce themselves, the chairmen proceeds with a preamble. Furthermore, the members in attendance read the “twelve traditions”. The support group guidelines are also reviewed if new people…
On Sunday, March 6th, I went to an AA meeting in the Heights Vietnam Veterans Memorial Building between Manhattan and Summit Avenues in NJ, Jersey City. The meeting started around 10:30 AM and ended around 11:30 AM. Before the meeting, lots of coffee, tea and donuts were served to the people. There were about 50 people that showed up to the meeting, 35 of them were males and the other 15 were females. Most of them were either old or middle aged. The meeting consisted of a podium which had about five rows of metal folding chairs facing it. On the wall behind the podium to the left of it, was a list of the twelve steps and to the right of it, was a list of the twelve traditions. The meeting began with someone reciting the twelve steps and then with the introduction of new members. After that someone else comes up to the podium, but this time with a calendar in his hands and he goes over the upcoming events. The meeting ended with everyone quietly listening to Billy’s and George’s life stories.…
To begin, the first two groups we had were extremely awkward. I wasn’t shocked at all because I expected it to be that way. I mean eight strangers, in one room, asked to just start talking…
Imagine yourself as a member at the first meeting. What fears would you have about participating? What would help you feel more trusting?…
I went to an early morning meeting and was welcomed with open arms by every person there. Several people came up and introduced themselves and offered me coffee and doughnuts. As the meeting started, a few of the members came up to the podium to read the introduction, and preamble before the guest speaker came up to speak. As each person came up to the podium, they stated not only their name, but also that they were an alcoholic. After the…
The meeting started out with the person running it starting things off, and then asked if anyone wanted to share anything. There were about seven people in the meeting not including myself, and they all shared their stories and what was going on with them. I found their stories and…
The meeting began with some readings. I read on the AA Promises which I thought was a waste of time. In my opinion I felt like they should have left the readings for you to read to yourself because the meetings are on a time frame and people seem to have a lot of other important issues to talk about and be concerned with other than reading the same readings every time.…
The type of meeting was secondary; it was scheduled to last one hour and meets every Monday evening. While attendance is not mandatory the theme throughout the meeting was by attending you will find strength and hope for recovery. The meeting I attended was an open meeting. The meeting started with a member who stated “I am Mary, a compulsive eater and leader for this meeting”, she led the group in the serenity prayer. After this, different members read, there was a variety of readings which reminded me of going to the catholic church, everyone (except me) knew what to say, what to do, and when to do it. Afterwards, the person leading the meeting asked the newcomers to introduce themselves, I did.…
Chairing a meeting is voluntary and is looked upon as an excellent way for a member to serve the fellowship. The chairman announced that the meeting would be opened with the Serenity Prayer and asked members to pray for the addicts still suffering. The Serenity Prayer is one that is most well known and associated with AA meetings. It reads, “Lord, grant the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.” Two other prayers practiced among the fellowship, but not included in the meeting I attended are the 3rd Step prayer and the 7th Step…
The group dynamics were completely normal, with some members not meeting dead lines for submission of resources, others being too dominating with unrealistic expectation, members not being regular attendees, some contributing too little others contributing too much. I would say that it was a typical group mix and as the groups were selected randomly; the result was the best mix. I was very happy to work with all the members.…