barrier needs to be overcome and proper education is to re-enforce about is condition, and information of assistance with health bills. He needs to be empowered with information about health care system and financial assistance available to migrant workers to full consider getting proper health care treatment. According to McCullagh, Sanon, and Foley (2015), Migrant Health Promotion is working to improve the health and wellness of farmworkers through health education and the promotora model. Promotores help their peers access health resources and build healthier communities (Migrant Health Promotion, 2012) (Para 20).
barrier needs to be overcome and proper education is to re-enforce about is condition, and information of assistance with health bills. He needs to be empowered with information about health care system and financial assistance available to migrant workers to full consider getting proper health care treatment. According to McCullagh, Sanon, and Foley (2015), Migrant Health Promotion is working to improve the health and wellness of farmworkers through health education and the promotora model. Promotores help their peers access health resources and build healthier communities (Migrant Health Promotion, 2012) (Para 20).