The problem with a military metaphor isn’t the sentiment behind us – there’s nothing wrong with the various politicians calling on the nation to emulate the selfless model of soldiers in combat, or to urge unity in action. There are times when military metaphors apply to civilians, an example of this was on September 11, 2001, and the Nation did stand tall in the face of danger. The problem is when that metaphor is fused with desired self-serving political interest. An example of this is when voting for a particular bill is equated with the selfless heroism of fallen soldiers.
Certain politicians in Washington, D.C. talked about military action in regards to the crossing of the red line in the sand, used the metaphor boots on the ground. The political machine gave no regards to the fact the boots on the ground are sons and daughter, husbands, moms and dads. To those of us who have lost friends and loved ones this cuts deep and tugs at the heart.
Americans over the years have been