Excel skills
It is week 10 in BIM class. I am so enjoy being here with likes and dislikes of what we have done. The most impressive experience for me, I think it should be my first time to using Excel in the class and I do not know how to format the spreadsheet data.
Initially, our lecture shows us how to prepare financial statements in Excel and use different types of graphs for different account elements, and then we need to prepare it for our business report. Although I try my hard to catch up, I still cannot follow the lecture steps. I felt so difficult to handle it, because I have never use Excel before. But, even so, I did not ask for help. I just felt upset and regret about that. I should prepare it before the class so I spent two hours to practise Excel at AUT library after the class.
I knew I am not a smart guy. Opportunity to be there for those who are prepared. Just like our lecture, while he makes a great presentation seem effortless, I know that he has well prepared for it. So, I should learn from it and always prepare well for the class every time, like read carefully the study guide. This experience also told me, my listening comprehension ability is low compared to my classmates, I need concentrate in the class, otherwise I will easily to feel lost. My weaknesses are I'm not as articulate as I would like to be, and I shy for ask question. But the good news is I admit my weakness and I am willing to correct and ameliorate it. I am willing to learn and learn fast. And now, my Excel skills are improved a lot. I can easy to catch up the lecture steps, I know how to lookup the formulae for data manipulation, conditional formatting, prepare charts or predict the trends in Excel, etc. I have worked very hard for some weekly tasks. For example in week 3, we need to do a exercise for Income Statement and Balance Sheet in Excel, I am not good at formatting spreadsheet data and spreadsheet Design so I search and