What is a laterite?
A red residual soil in humid tropical and subtropical regions that is leached of soluble minerals, aluminum hydroxides, and silica but still contains concentrations of iron oxides and iron hydroxides.
Soil layer that is rich in iron oxide and derive from a wide variety of rocks wethering under strongly oxidizing and leaching conditions.It froms in tropical and subtropical regions where the climet is humid.
Laterite is a weathering product and should be defined together with saprolite as " Residual Rock ". Residual rocks form an additional rock group of their own. As precursor of sedimentary rocks they may also be grouped within this rock group though they did not undergo considerable transport.
What are the characteristics of alluvial soil?
Major characteristics of Alluvial Soils are:-
1)These are of Transported origin.
2)Alluvial soil as a whole is very fertile.
3)According to their age, these soils have been classified into 2 types:-
~Old Alluvium or Bhangar Soil
~New Alluvium or Khaddar Soil
4)These soils contain adequate proportion of Potash, Lime and Phosphoric acid, which are ideal