OXANA SRIBNYAK ABSTRACT This paper aims to analyse the MINI’s case study to discover which marketing tools have best served to build a world-class iconic car brand. Using knowledge learned over the marketing course, their current marketing strategy will be analysed in detail. The second part will then critically examine the digital marketing approach of the MINI to answer the question of “what are the benefits to MINI from such a broad approach?” Drawing on the MINI case study, the paper will explore how emotions are used in marketing to build loyalty to the brand. MINI’s successful brand performance, and the spirit created by its brand, the values and beliefs of “typical MINI’s buyers” will be investigated in detail. The paper will also highlight the ethical values of the MINI Company and conclude with opinions about why some car companies put so much emphasis on conducting their business in an ethical manner.
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CRIS Bulletin 2012/02
“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.” - Peter F. Drucker Marketing affects everyone, every day, and in all areas of life. It is the key driver for bringing people goods and services they desire, and includes many different industrial activities, including marketing research, product development, organisation of resource distribution, pricing strategies, press and public relations, advertising and personal selling, a long supply chain that ends in “the sale”. Marketing influences more than just retailers and buyers, but even non-buyers, via impacts on the common environment. But to distill it simply, marketing’s main objectives can be identified as the following: “To achieve the highest possible consumption
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