Screening Tool Malnutrition in older adults is an ever growing concern with our aging population, weight loss with associated loss of muscle mass can impair functional status. Growing older does not predispose oneself to poor nutrition, however, there are other aggravating factors present when growing older that can pose a risk such as, psychological, physiological, social, dietary and environmental changes. The MNA-SF is based on an original eighteen item questionnaire first published in 1994 by Guigoz. The MNA-SF was developed …show more content…
0 = bed or chair bound
1 = able to get out of bed/chair but does not go out
2 = goes out Answer = 2, goes out
D. Has suffered psychological stress or acute disease in the past 3 months?
0 = yes
2 = no Answer = 2, no
E. Neuropsychological problems
0 = severe dementia or depression
1 = mild dementia
2 = no psychological problems Answer = 2, no psychological problems
F. Body mass index (BMI)
0 = BMI less than 19
2 = BMI 21 to less than 23
3 = BMI 23 or greater Answer = 2 (BMI is 22 she is 135lb and 5 feet 6 in tall)
Based on the above profile this patient has an overall score of eleven which places her at the edge of the scale for at risk of malnutrition to normal nutritional status. This was surprising to both the patient and myself, she appears to be a fit woman with an active lifestyle and supportive spouse. She does see the loss of her children as a significant factor in their lives but has the ability to visit with them if needed. Screening tools are just that, if one is to make a determination on your patient’s overall well-being you must have a strong working and honest relation with them so as to take into account a multitude of factors that might not be captured by these