Increasing the wage to just any retail store might have its disadvantages if the company doesn't make as much money a year as Wal-Mart, Costco, Target, etc. If the law is approved, it would only affect any retailer with cooperation’s of over $1 billion a year and stores that average 75,000 or more square feet. That’s because it wouldn’t be fair to force smaller businesses to pay their workers high wages for little work. The law being passed will affect price changes in the company’s sales. Stores affected will be raising their prices due to the law being passed. For example, Walmart will raise their prices by 1.1 percent.
To look at this another way, an employee that makes an income of approximately $15,000 per year that is in a household of three will not be able to support their families and themselves. The law being passed will help the economy decrease the amount of people asking for governmental help such as