The first life story to be considered is I’m Minnie Lumai and I was Born on Newry Station. Listen to the interviewer’s questions and then Minnie’s responses.
• What can you find as evidence that the interviewer and interviewee are Aboriginal people sharing kinship?
What I found as evidence that the interviewer and interviewee are Aboriginal people sharing kinship was that the interviewer referred to the interviewee as ‘mum’ and that they both spoke with a similar accent and language. He also asked questions about her parents and mentions her baby brother, this also shows their kinship.
• What evidence of respect is evident in the interviewer’s questions?
The evidence of respect that is evident in the interviewer’s questions was that …show more content…
I might rustle around my bed to imitate the sound of nurses moving around a hospital bed or turn the shower on to imitate rain. I could also just record traffic on a busy day.
Activity 2: Focus on images
The next film is also interesting in the integration of images, sound, and language.
Please Don’t Piss in My Pond is a hopeful story: an individual recounts memories of playing in wetlands as a child and how a sewerage plant destroyed those wetlands. As a result of his environmental activism, the sewerage plant was shut down and there is hope that the wetlands will be restored to their pristine condition.
Firstly, play the film with the sound off. Then make short-answer responses to the following questions:
• What do you think this story is about?
I think this story is about being eco-friendly to the environment and wildlife. It also shows what we did to our world and how we’re damaging nature. (e.g. pollution)
• What 'angle' is the author focusing