ISSN: 2310-337X
©TIARJ Publications, 2014 Minority Rights as Human Rights: Hegemonic Media
Representation of Minority Groups in Pakistan
PhD Fellow School of Communication, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang Malaysia.
Shumaila Ahmed, 2 Ali Hassan & 3 Rana Shahzad
Lecturer, Department of Media Studies Islamia University of Bhawalpur, Pakistan.
Assistant Professor, Department of Media Studies Islamia University of Bhawalpur, Pakistan.
Abstract: Minority Rights have been considered important in every nation and in every age. The Present research is conducted to study the situation of media representation of minorities and their rights in
Pakistan and content analysis of news reports of GEO News Channel of Pakistan during the period from
January, 2013 to March, 2013. The objective of this descriptive and analytical study is to explore the positive / negative role of popular media in the protection or violation of Minority Rights in Pakistan. The technique of systematic sampling is used. By Using SPSS the descriptive method was used to represent the findings of the research the relationship among the data collected was also explored through statistical methods. The hypothesis about these phenomenon and linkages among them were tested through chisquare test. The findings of the study reveal that the most popular news network of Pakistan portrays the minority rights issues in a biased way and usually give a very little space to the issues of minorities in their daily news broadcast. A detailed discussion about the findings, demographic variable, acceptance and rejection of hypothesis was made in the relevant portion of the study after concluding it.
Keywords: Minority Rights, Human Rights, Media, Violation, Protection.
Rights of minorities have always been one of the most complex and debatable issue and dilemma of
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